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Wednesday, March 17, 2021


A view of change through HOEP

Saturday, December 03, 2016


Monday, June 06, 2016


How to ...

A: I was directed to finish this in the week of June 13th or the world will end. I wish I can be Magneto for a week. Need to find options. Need to propose a solution even if you don't think this is feasible. 

B: Once frames are delivered there is then a lead time to get all the baffles installed. The only thing I could suggest is trying to expedite galv  and/or working our guys 7 days a week once delivered. 

A: Please let me know the possibilities as discussed this morning. Thanks!

B: I have compiled the costs associated with this, I am just waiting to hear back from galv on what can be done to expedite things on their end.

A: Thanks! The earlier the info is available the earlier we can make a decision on this.

B: So here is what we have managed. Total costs in galv premiums and our fab OT premium would be $3x,xxx.00.

A: Thanks for the effort! I've forwarded the cost to the upper management for their decision.

A: 90% go. Still waiting for the final decision.

A: The final answer is ... no go. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013



As a result of the work I had done on Lockheed, I was approached by the White House. I went to work for a man named Lewis Engman, an assistant director of the White House Domestic Council. I was very green. I had a lot of questions, and Lew was a good mentor. He said, “If someone asks you to do something, and it doesn’t seem right, ask lots of questions. And any memo you write, ask yourself not only is it the right thing, but how would it look printed on the front page of the Washington Post.” I had started work in the Nixon White House in April 1972, just a few weeks before the Watergate break-in. That was terrific advice.

I worked with many CEOs there, some really good, some not so good. I worked and advised heads of state, government leaders. What I learned was that there’s no perfect leader. Everyone is flawed, and their strengths are usually the opposite of their weakness. ... ... The essential ingredient to the success of these CEOs was the team they put around them. If you don’t put people around you to compensate for your flaws, these big jobs always uncover them.

-Hank Paulson

Sunday, February 21, 2010



used in BOA project
http://www.activelogix.com/ (by Ex Tridium developer)

From Excel to MySql:
1. Export your data from Excel to a flat.csv file.
2. Put that flat.csv in C:\ (just for convenience)
3. Launch mysql command or use MySQL Quer Browser:
(field1, field2)

If you have an extra character after the field, use this:

If you don't want to have the column names imported, open the .csv file with NOTEPAD and delete them or use IGNORE ROW in the SQL

Alternative steps:
1. create a ODBC connection to the destination MySQL database.
2. Open MS Access and create a new access database.
3. Import the excel data creating a new table.
4. Export the new table just created selecting "Database ODBC()" from file Type list.
5. Select the ODBC connection related to the destination MySQL database


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Single enumeration

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Carrier R2 driver

33CNDRVCCN $2500

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