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Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Excel 5000 Lon (1)

If you use Care5+EBI to do a job, a lot of twist is on the way.

Firstly, Care5, the engineering tool, has its own Lonworks network mgmt tool, which is not LNS based. On the other hand, EBI, the frontend, is LNS based. Thus, in order for EBI to see all the Honeywell Lon Controllers. All the controllers commisioned by Care5 have to be re-commissioned by LNS.

And since you don't have the control of the assignment of node ID in LNS, one controller will have different subnet/node IDs in LNS and Care5. Therefore, if you want to modify a controller managed by EBI, you will have to re-re-commission the controller to get back it subnet/node ID in Care5. After the changes, go back to EBI, re-re-re-commission the controller.

Honeywell realized that this process could be a mess and came up with a tool called RSS. RSS happens to be one of the hotest word on Internet recently. The "hotware" RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, while the Honeywell RSS stands for remote sync server. Don't get confused. Hoeywell RSS will be installed in EBI PC and Care5 acts as the client side software. Briefly, it tries to automate the process of commanding LNS to follow Care5 database. For more information, check the documents come with the software.

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