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Monday, August 20, 2007


Controller programming library 2

How do we differentiate controller A to B? I/O, point assignment and sequence.

If we have a master I/O list for all controllers, it's easy to figure out the difference between them by putting them side by side.

I would like to have the software cover the difference of point assignment for the programmers as long as they are in one controller. As I mentioned before, the logic layer is above the physical point assignment and it won't be affected by the order of I/O or pseudo points in a controller.

Now, here comes sequence. In TXT library, I setup modules that match the sequence blocks on the drawing. And I setup CID that represent the selected sequences in each controller. While that works pretty well, it may not fit all real applications.

Firstly, one controller may have more than 1 units. So CID must be arranged per unit.

Secondly, there are always new sequences that were not included in the library. So the library has to be updated.

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